Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2024
Click Here to download the Notice of Board Meeting
Click Here to download the Board Meeting Agenda
NOTICE DATE: February 19, 2024
MEETING DATE/TIME: February 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
MEETING PLACE: 1301 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Michigan, 48207
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the regularly scheduled meeting of the Detroit Housing Commission (DHC) will be conducted in person at the above address on the date and time specified. However, the public is invited to attend and participate also virtually (online and/or by phone) under Section 3 of the Michigan Open Meetings Act, as amended. Virtual attendance is offered as a reasonable accommodation made pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Michigan’s Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act (PWDCRA), MCL 37.1101 et. seq., for any Commission member or member of the general public who wishes to fully participate in the meeting. Social distancing will be enforced pursuant to Center of Disease Control and DHC Safety guidelines.
Detroit Housing Commission Virtual Meeting Invitation
Topic: Regular Detroit Housing Commission Meeting
Date & Time: February 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time
Zoom Webinar:
Webinar ID: 873 7308 7731
Passcode: 689251
Call In: 1 301 715 8592, 1 312 626 6799, 1 305 224 1968
Press # to skip participant ID
Participant can press *9 to raise hand to speak (request to unmute microphone)
Members of the public attending virtually will be muted unless recognized to speak during the public comment period.