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Real Estate Development

  • Real Estate Development

The Real Estate Development Department of the Detroit Housing Commission has two major responsibilities as it relates to serving our residents.  Development is tasked with redeveloping previously obsolete developments and acquiring new property for the future expansion of additional public housing.


The HOPE VI Program was developed as a result of recommendations by the National Commission on Severely Distressed Public Housing.  The National Commission was charged with proposing a National Action Plan to eradicate severely distressed public housing.  The Commission recommended revitalization in three general areas: physical improvements, management improvements, and social and community services to address resident needs.  To date the Detroit Housing Commission has three developments that are currently receiving HOPE VI money, Gardenview Estates, Woodbridge Estates, Cornerstone Estates and Villages at Parkside.

RHF Grant

Replacement Housing Factor Funding - They are Capital Fund Grants that are awarded to PHAs that have removed units from inventory for the sole purpose of developing new public housing units. The Capital Fund formula rule at 24 CFR 905.10(i) provides that a PHA may receive RHF grants for public housing units demolished or sold for a period of up to five years. A PHA may only be given RHF funding for public housing units that have not already been funded for replacement public housing units under public housing development.  Major Reconstruction of Obsolete Public Housing (MROP), HOPE VI, or any other programs that would otherwise provide replacement housing.

A PHA may only develop or acquire public housing rental units with RHF funds. All replacement housing must be undertaken in accordance with public housing development regulations found at 24 CFR Part 941, which includes requirements for mixed-finance development.


Community and Supportive Services Program (CSSP) is designed to address the needs and assets of affected HOPE VI communities; Woodbridge Estates, Gardenview Estates, and Cornerstone Estates.  The CSS service delivery plan is built on a case management platform, from which residents will have access to various existing service providers throughout the Detroit area.

The DHC CSS Program is the human service component of the HOPE VI program that is designed to assist affected residents to become economically self-sufficient and to qualify for homeownership opportunities at the redeveloped communities or to be able to return as leaseholders.  The CSS services are provided to eligible residents which include life and job skills development, substance abuse counseling, job training, job placement, educational opportunities, financial literacy and homeownership counseling.

Through this redesigned CSS Program, DHC is making case management available to the eligible and interested former resident to provide support of the self-sufficiency activities.  The case manager will serve as an integral part of the day-to-day activities of the CSS Program and established partnerships with local service providers to create a network of resources available through referrals to the participating residents.


Homeownership Program was designed to assist low – to – moderate – income families attain the American Dream of homeownership.  The Homeownership program is intended to fill the gap between the purchase price or your new home and the amount you can borrow from a qualified lender.  The maximum grant amount is $75,000.  The grant is gradually forgiven over a seven-year period and will be fully forgiven at the end of the seventh year of occupancy.