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Packets & Forms

  • Packets & Forms

Landlord Direct Deposit Form - The Housing Authority offers direct deposit for landlords to receive their Housing Assistance Payments electronically.  It's fast, it's safe, and it's convenient.  Just complete the form and mail.

The Landlord Guidebook - Sources of information pertaining to the policies and procedures of the Housing Choice Voucher Program.  Included in the packet is very useful information that may help in answering many questions concerning the Housing Choice Voucher Program.  Also included in this packet are the Housing Quality Standard guidelines that define the unit qualifications for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Property Owner Change of Address Form - If you are a current HCVP landlord and need to change your mailing address, please use this form.

Request for a Change of  Ownership/Management - If you have recently purchased a property that houses Housing Choice Voucher Program clients, please complete and mail.

Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA): Owners Packet - This packet provides a property owner, who has a DHC participant interested in rental unit, guidance regarding the Owner required documents and the process of completing a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract with DHC.  

HAP Contract Change Request – A list of the documents needed to generate the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract. Please review the instructions carefully.

Owner Documents Request: HAP Contract Execution – To request for a Rent Increase, Change in Utility Responsibility, or Change # Bedrooms (verifiable renovations) please complete and submit. All approved increases will be effective the first day of the month following a 60 day written notice to the office.

Explanation of Building types:

  • One, two, three story usually associated with duplexes and multifamily housing with three or less stories.
  • High/Rise relates to buildings with four or more stores

A Good Place to Live 

Landlord Information 

Landlord Complaint Form

IRS W-9 Form

Unit Inspections for Housing Quality Standards

Property Owner Request HQS Time Extension

Landlord Property Information - If you would like to place a property on the monthly DHC Courtesy Housing Listing as a potential rental property, you can download the form and return it to DHC. Submissions with incomplete information or illegible writing may not be listed.

Property listings are not carried over to the next month. Units remain on the listing for 30 days. All listings must be received by the 27th of each month for inclusion in the next monthly listing.

Email to:

Return in person or by mail to 2211 Orleans, Detroit MI 48207

Quick Links

Landlord Portal

City of Detroit Landlord Guide


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